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Happy Marriage Blessing4U

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Welcome Blessing4U

Members Manual

‘Blessing4U’ is a site to support all those who desire to receive the Blessing and who are looking for a suitable partner.
There are differences in the functions you can use based on your account.
In order to guide you well through the website we would like to provide the following explanation of each account.

*This page contains explanation on how to use this site especially for candidates and their parents.

01Common Matters

Blessing candidates need to first register to the website. After they login, then can start writing their profiles.

Candidate’s profile will not be visible for others only through registration to this site. Profiles must be complete and then regional Blessed Family Department approves then. Only then the profile will become visible to others. In order for your profile to be approved, you need to fill in your Personal Information, answer 5 questions, fill in your Family Information, upload your Pictures and input your Personality Types.

This is the same for all candidates regardless their category. However, there is a difference in searching for candidates. Please refer to the information below.

02Blessed Children

When you login and start filling up your profile please make sure that you input ‘Blessed Child’ in the ‘generation’ section. Those who can search for the blessed children candidates’ profiles are parents (through their child’s profile), matching supporters & advisors, and Blessed Family Department representatives.

In order to search for a possible match on the website, parents of a candidate must login to their child’s account first and then input the parents’ password in the ‘Candidates’ Search’ section. Candidates are allowed to search by themselves only from a certain age. The parents’ password is changed every year. Parents shall check with the Blessed Family Department representative in their church, district or region for updates. Once the candidate is more than 30 years of age in the international age, the parents’ password is dismissed and the candidate can search for a suitable partner himself/herself. However, the communication with a possible match shall always go through parents.

031st generation members

When 1st generation single candidate login, s/he can start filling the profile. The candidate should make sure to select ‘1st generation’ in the ‘generation’ section. Moreover, each 1st generation member is required to input address of the church (city) they attend, name and contact information of their ‘matching supporter’. 1st generation members cannot search for a possible match by themselves. Their matching supporter will search for them, therefore it is essential to check and make sure that you have one.

04Candidates with special needs

Candidates with special needs shall make sure that they select ‘special needs’ in the ‘health condition’ section and fill in all the other categories that will appear after that. Parents of blessed children with special needs can only search for other blessed children with special needs through their child’s profile. Profiles of all children with special needs will be visible to all supporters (matching supporters and advisors) and Blessed Family Department representatives.